Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Television

I've been trapped in a time warp that sends my brain back to being five again every night around eight o'clock. If you want another explanation, I've discovered our internet comes with digital tv and we have Comedy Central between a quarter past eight pm and six am.

This started out as a thing for Iggy. The breeder said he liked to sit on the couch with her and watch television. From the way he acts, this could have been a rather crass lie, but we didn't know that on Sunday evening when we started changing channels like maniacs, trying to find something of interest.

Iggy, as it turns out, is not interested in the television. He's interested in squeaky toys and other dogs and becoming invisible so people stop looking at him.

In the meanwhile, I'm learning how to say things like 'boobies' in German, and quaint expressions like 'piss out of my room' and 'you're shaving my balls' from watching South Park. So far, I haven't found a practical use for these yet, but who knows when I've got to freak out people by being rude with a very strange accent.

I started watching CC mostly because, every so often, shows aren't dubbed. Once a week, there's subtitles, which is something so rare on German television, I thought it was a myth.

So right now, I'm making a short post. The television is stealing me away, and I'm still dizzy for some weird reason, so sitting down is a good idea.

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