Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Bites

Bugs love to bite me.

Okay, so it's mostly mosquitoes. I'm not sure about ticks, since I love high hiking boots and long, looooong trousers, but mosquitoes feast on me like I'm a limited edition McFlurry.

Remember my bug bite from last week? The one that turned funny colors and needed medical attention to finally GO AWAY? Yeah, I got two more before that week was out, if not more (as mentioned before, this is being written last week).

The first one was on my leg and immediately took over eight square centimeters of my calf in the shape of a pink, raised welt. It's an angry blob, right above my youngest surgical scar. I feel so pretty, I could pretty myself into a state.

The other did not swell to cartoonish propotions and damage my self-image. No, it was on my foot. The same one that I'd already damaged scratching to hell. It's itchy. Very, very itchy. And I'm not allowed to scratch. AAAAH!

We currently don't have bug nets. Not in Coburg, not on vacation. So there's a good chance I'll be coming home with a few more bites. I'm packing the stuff that dyes all fabric neon yellow in case I get another swollen, purple affair, but usually the weather doesn't permit us to keep the windows closed all day. If I get bitten by something else and it turns out I'm even more allergic to that venom, at least I've got a tiny note saying I already paid to see a doctor this quarter, which will hopefully help things along on the medical side of things.

For the Coburg situation, Boyfriend is looking into things. He noted the casino downstairs had some, so he asked W. if they'd work on our windows too and is currently inquiring where to get them and how much they cost. We have four small windows, how bad can it be? Don't answer that. I'm praying feverishly they're affordable, so we can open windows at night and still have light on.

And if we get them, and one of Boyfriend's friends burns a hole in them because they can't keep from smoking, I'm going to make a scene the likes of which you can't imagine.

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