Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Hairdressing Incident

You know how sometimes you get bright ideas? Yeah, those kind. I had one of them today.

You see, Boyfriend has been complaining about how his 'long' hair has been bothering him lately. And since we're back, I thought I'd run the clippers through it for him, fifteen minutes works top, we could do it right before we left for lunch with his parents.

Wrong. On all accounts.

See, it didn't go fast. Or smoothly. I was running the machine through it. And through it. And no hair was coming off. Or, more accurately, no hair was coming off where I wanted it to come off. I had clumps of short hair here and there in the back, where I was working on it, but not the way I wanted to. And I was pulling Boyfriend's hair. So he started working on it.

I was worried about the choppiness of it, but he soothed my worries. Then we did something wrong with the settings. I wasn't worried anymore, so it became... funny. Really, really funny.

My mom had given my camera back on holiday, so I started taking pictures of Boyfriend trying to shave his hair to a stubble. There was no uniform length and there was a bald spot, and then he asked me to clip it with scissors first to (quote unquote) make it go faster. Oh, and these weren't hair clippers. It was a beard trimmer.

By the time we arrived at J.'s and W.'s place, we were late and Boyfriend had a hat on, due to the unfinished hair cut making him look like he had had mange in the recent past. J. thought it was a little funny when she saw. Sis told Boyfriend to keep his hat on while they were eating, because she couldn't look at it. In all truth, it was pretty bad. I have photos to prove it.

Anyway, we ate and got back home. Boyfriend's hair was short now in most places, and he was completely bare in others. So we took the safest razor we had in the house and some foam and started on the remaining hair. I nearly peed myself laughing at the image of the love of my life shaving himself bald with my pink razor. Don't worry, it's one with replacable blades.

The shaving took longer than anticipated, and it wasn't the most uniform of operations. For entertainment, it ranked a big fat nine out of ten to watch. I took some more pictures. It went from mangy to 'lawn mower incident' to 'barber had a stroke'. Finally, after going through 'monk confused about his own religion', he was bald. Like, really, really bald. There's not a hair left on his head except his eyebrows. We're not that big a set of screw-ups that we took those, too.

I'm not sure if I like it yet. I'll tell you when I stop laughing.

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