Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Bedlinen

Today, I was planning on being lazy. Then I told my cousin about it, and she was shocked and appalled at the concept of her having to get up at six, be in the hospital for her internship at seven and work until at least a quarter past three pm and me spending the day in bed with a good book or sitting behind the pc, playing video games.

So I did the dishes. Compulsively. Then I scrubbed the counter tops and the cooking plate. I helped Boyfriend gather up the garbage.

I even got to doing laundry. And then some more. Then I ran out of fabric softener, so I thought 'no more laundry for me'.

Then Boyfriend went into the city to pick up the other half of my medication for my foot and do some light shopping. He asked if we were out of something. I said we needed some orange popsicles, a carton of milk and maybe some fabric softener. Boyfriend came back with popsicles, ice cream, four cartons of milk and a bigger bottle of fabric softener than we usually have.

It was the same color, but a different brand. It wouldn't have worked at home. I know this for a certainty, since I've seen my dad come home with the same color but a different brand and also with the same brand but a different color. Both times were apparently serious enough incidents to warrant a very displeased look and comment from my mom, who is Lord and a Master of the laundry machine at our house.

My reaction was a thank-you and going back to the bathroom to do more laundry. The new softener smell delicious. And it needs less to make a rather large load (I stuffed as much laundry into the vat as it would hold) smell daisy fresh. Yes, it's not available from where Boyfriend shops twice a week and yes, it's slightly more expensive, but even with the smaller bottle we needed to buy it like once a month. The stuff can cost up to five euros for all I care, it won't be the thing to crack our budget any time soon.

I'm currently on my sixth load of the day. Most of that was bedlinen. I'm trying to dry it all on our tiny drying rack. It's warm, so it's sort of working for the top layer, and the bottom part was nearly dry anyway. Hopefully, the bits in the middle won't turn out stinky.

I thought I was done. Note the past tense there.

Then I remembered the polyester bedlinen we still have. Which also needs washing. And Boyfriend's red T-shirt is sort of skulking at the bottom of the laundry basket, too. And the heat came back up, so I'm guessing our clothes for tomorrow will want laundering tomorrow evening as well. Except we're having guests tomorrow evening. Drat.

I was hoping to be done by tonight, but the bedlinen gods decided otherwise. So I'll keep washing a bit more. Even if I don't finish, I'm not gonna get back from vacation to face 'Mt. Laundry - Muahahahaha!'. 'Hill Laundry - Neener-Neener-Neener' is a possibility, though. We're coming home on a Saturday evening. I can cram a few loads in before Monday, right?

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