So I slept horrendously bad last night. Against my better judgement, I went to bed at nine. Unless I'm worn out to the bone, that makes for a very bad night's sleep for me. And, sure enough, I slept wondrously for four hours, then spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, gave up on sleeping around four, was exhausted by six and by the time I had to wake up, I was nowhere near ready to take on the day. It was so bad, I decided not to go yawn rudely at J.'s clients for the rest of the day and try sleeping it off.
Sleeping it off worked marvelously and when I woke up, I was only a shower away from being human again. Contrary to popular belief, I do shower. I've just been raised to do it in under fifteen minutes and my hair is currently so short, all evidence of wetness has disappeared within half an hour. So you can miss it.
I was even waxing poetic about how much I love the apartment by the time I was toweling off. It's just so perfect. It's small, so it cleans fast and easy. It's close to the city, so I can go wherever I need to on a bike. It's small, so I can check for axe-murderers in my more girly scared moments before I start feeling silly. It has Boyfriend, which is so awesome it lacks description. It's small, so it takes a while before it starts feeling empty. And it's an apartment, which means there's no garden that needs tending. Like I said, perfect.
But on to the treasure. Remember the pile of laundry Boyfriend found somewhere in the last week? There was a jacket in there. It belonged to a friend of Boyfriend's half a decade or more ago. It was dusty and sweaty and so we washed it while discussing who it belonged to. The point was moot, really. Ninety percent of all Boyfriend's friends have outgrown the jacket, including all likely suspected owners. And no one asked for it back, so the chances of them missing it are small.
Which left us with a jacket, now clean, that didn't fit any guy in Boyfriend's life at the moment. It has a pretty, plant-like pattern on it and no profanity as far as I can tell. It's black (turned grey) and white, so it goes with lots of things. It has a hood.
'Dibs' may or may not have been invoked.
It fits me rather well. It cuts off just above my backside, it has the long-sleeve thing where my wrists are kept warm going on, and I love that, and it's cuddly thick and warm. Dibs indeed.
I'm currently wearing it, just because it feels like wearing your favorite blanket and because the weather is a bit bleak at the moment. It rains, the wind howls, and then the sunshine comes for a moment just to raise your hope to the point where it hurts when it gets snatched away again by the next rain cloud. The jacket is helping. I'm not taking it off until I'm too hot to function, which might be a while, since I can open the window as long as it's not raining.
Does this count as stealing, or is it repurposing?
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