Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Interview

Let's get it out of the way. The interview went well, up until the point where the nice lady asking questions revealed that the job was for someone specifically trained for it. Which it never said in the ad, so I'm a bit miffed about it. Luckily, the interview was for a job agency, which means I'm in the pool of available employees for desk work and factory work. I'd rather have a desk job, but, y'know, beggars, choosers, and so on.

So I was a bit late coming into the nail studio. The building gel still had issues with me. I didn't get it. I was doing exactly what J. and S. and Sis did, and it was not working. I managed to finish four nails before J. invited me to come watch some more, since most people learned more from watching than working in a shady corner all by their lonesome. Since I was ready to chuck the stupid building gel out the window at that point, I accepted.

There were only two clients before there was nothing to do. J. had ordered late lunch for me, so we ate in the sunshine, discussing the irresponsibility of Sis' friend riding a motorbike (in front of said friend). His sister (S.) was there, and J. sided with them. I just knitted in the pleasant warmth and left them to it. If the guy wants to end up donating his organs sooner rather than later, who am I to deny him that dream?

Eventually, J. declared I was to finish her nails. Yes, the ones I got started on last Friday. I would have liked to do it sooner, too, but I'm not the boss of me touching J.'s things and nails. I even got to buff the nails so the gel would hold, which almost filing. Filing comes next week, apparently. I get to practice on J., who has one nail she habitually destroys while working, and on myself, since my shiny shiny French nails have air underneath on the right side. It could be because they're oily (but then why doesn't the left side do it?) or because the gel on the right side (the side J. gelled up) touched skin.

Two nails I'd done before needed a bit more building gel. J. let me use her new, fancy-schmancy building gel, which has a sun blocker in it and which goes a lot better than mine. Why does it do this? It's about twice as thick as the one I'm using, making it much easier to shape than mine.

Next I got a lecture on my sealing gel work. I'd done well about half the time, but the other half, it was finished rather shabbily. Unlike some teacher's I'd had, J. managed to convey this firmly without hurting my feelings. I finish-gelled the last two nails while keeping her pointers in mind. It was better, so yay for progress.

Oh, and I mentioned to J. that the hose to the washing machine leaked and that W. had said 'okay' and done nothing. She made a phone call concerning 'clean laundry' and 'can't wait forever', which was a lot more effective than anything we'd done, since action was taken and finished by the time I got home. We just have to test it now. Fingers crossed.

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