Boyfriend and I work on dissimilar rythms. Read: I have to get up early slightly more often than him.
Now, if my parents are to be believed, I am physically incapable of waking up soundlessly. Sue me, I'm not a ninja. If I try to be, something goes horribly wrong. I knock stuff to the floor, doors slam when I try to close them or I snag on something while exiting the shower and can't help but get a potty mouth. If I act normal, I make less noise, but the average amount of noise stays the same.
So I have adopted the non-ninja technique when waking up without purposefully waking Boyfriend. I've done that before, for selfish and nefarious purposes, but we decided it was a bad habit to develop.
So I got up today, showered, brushed my hair, got cereal... all without incident. The shower decided not to try and kill me today. It didn't yank on any of my parts in any way and it didn't try to make me slip. Amazing. I might even tempt fate and pick out fresh plugs to wear to the store today. So far, Boyfriend hasn't woken up. I don't think he's going to. Well, he's going to eventually, but I don't think he'll wake up enough to actually get out of bed and demand I pipe down.
It's partly gentlemanliness and mostly the fact that I think he's used to me emitting some kind of noise at all times. He naps on the sofa while I watch videos, I belt out songs at random moments when I forget he's studying for his driving tests and the click-clacking of my keyboard, while quite quiet, is practically constantly there. I'm so bad he asks me if everything is okay if I'm quiet for more than ten minutes and not asleep.
Of course, it's also partly because the water pressure in the house is a bit... off. I would need a drum kit to be noisy in the bathroom. And we currently only have the quietest cereal known to man (chocolate rice krispies) in the house. And I packed my noisiest things last night before bed. I don't have any pressurised sprays to make me cough. I caught my alarm before it belted out its annoying tune. I'm not watching youtube videos on full blast, either.
Then again, at home I used the downstairs bathroom, got dressed behind closed doors, ate alone, in a kitchen, two rooms away from any other living being, and I was still being too noisy. Boyfriend is practically within spitting distance at the moment, all doors opened, and he's blissfully sleeping on. I'm even scraping my chair on the floor, rebel that I am.
Of course, this has a few downsides. Like the fact that the laundry needs folding and I wanted to remind him to call the post people again today. I could write a note, but that feels antisocial. I could wake him up, but that'd be mean. Maybe I'll send a text message around eleven or so.
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