Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Wonderfold

(I'm skipping posts? Let's compensate!)

I suck at folding laundry. Trousers and underwear and socks are easy, but as soon as it's worn on the top half and it's not a bra, I'm lost. I know the theory of it, I know several techniques for it, but in the end, picking up stuff I folded always ends with the stuff falling apart.

What I wanted, really, really wanted, was what Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory has: a folding board. Not one of these measly squares with a hook Brabantia thinks are folding boards. No, I'm talking a huge, folding, plastic monstrosity. With holes and a step program and the potential for making killer folds. Something that OCD people stock so the width of their clothing stacks is always perfectly the same

But it's big and I thought it would be expensive.

Anyway, I was bored on Sunday and looked it up on the amazons after seeing cardboard ones elsewhere. The cardboard ones didn't look very sturdy... First on the UK amazon, where it was expensive, but not as expensive as I thought. Then, there was Sheldon's model. With 'made in Germany' and the German name for it underneath. Off to the German amazon I went. Within 30 seconds, I learned that the plastic folding board, including shipping, cost 7 euros and some change. I spent about half an hour playing the should-I-shouldn't-I game before ordering it.

It wasn't stocked by amazon though, so I was pretty sure I would get it maybe on Friday. I was wrong. My shipment confirmation came yesterday morning and this afternoon, Sis came to our apartment announcing Boyfriend had a package.

Yes, I'm still using his name to order stuff. If I'm spending money on mail, I want it to arrive. The mean part of this was that Boyfriend was expecting a small package, so when a huge one (the box was a bit too big for the contents) with tape from a to him unknown company arrived, he was very confused. I was confused, too. It couldn't be mine... could it?

It was. It wasn't the blue one from the amazon picture, but it came with a manual to fold all kinds of tops, a pair of trousers and a towel. It's purple. It matches our drying rack. Complaining about it seems childish and spoiled.

We still had the drying rack out, anyway. Yes, we're slow in getting the dried stuff into the wardrobe. I tried folding a shirt according to the instructions: fold bottom of the shirt up to fit the board, flip left, flip right, flip bottom piece, done. It worked. It was easy. It didn't fall apart when I was done. Genius.

It doesn't work on jeans, but it works on everything else I've tried so far. I'm so giddy to use it again, I'm doing laundry.

1 comment:

    My clothes are falling apart like your's did!
