Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Return of the Boss

J. returned to the store today. Well, technically yesterday, but I wasn't there yesterday, so I'm saying today.

This meant I had someone to watch all day, should I so desire, and I did not get kicked out at one o'clock like last week due to nothing more to do until six. I learned many interesting things, such as that there's actual nail polish being used at times, and the corner of a rosewood stick can be used to apply rhinestones just the same as the swirl tool and J. has a lot of things she forgot about in storage.

The last bit I discovered because I., after fixing the studio chairs and kitchen plumbing last week, decided to have a shot at organising storage. Suddenly, there were display nails on sticks galore, unpainted and ready to be made into amazing things. The sponges haven't shown up so far, but she did find a finger. A creepy, disembodied finger shaped nothing like a real one, made out of plastic and stuck in some kind of post-mortal twitch. You put nail tips in so you can work on them rather than the display nails. I'm assuming it's a cheaper alternative to the stick nails, because I have yet to find a way in which it's different from them. The tips are a bit wobbly, but that's where it ends.

I tried the finger out and did a great job apart from a bump at the smile line. J. urged me to try again with building gel on top of the design. In case you've forgotten, my building gel is about as practical in use as a lion is in herding flamingos. Sometimes it runs, sometimes it doesn't. I got the bump at the front worked away and got two bumps at the side for my trouble. Filing did not help.

I also learned that Sis has her birthday in a month. I have a lot of inspiration as to what she could get from me, but little to no funds to make any of it come true. Sigh.

And it was rainy and I forgot to eat lunch and the bakery on the corner, for some freak reason, closed early today. Long story short, by the time umbrella-less me got out of the studio, the bakery was closed and I had to wait until I was home to eat. Choices came down to pizza or cereal. I went for pizza. Pizza had bacon and salami on there and I'm not that environmentally friendly when I get hungry.

I did write some more letters to possible employers. The only reason I'm including this is because, for once, it was more than one. This annoyed Boyfriend a lot, since he gets the honor and privelege of correcting my German when I'm done. If it's small changes to my basic letter, he's done in two minutes. If I have to seem personal and interested and make up new sentences, there's a 50-50 chance that I rape the German language in a way that's understandable, but so wrong it's hard to twist it back in place.

With all of them sent and provided with attachment of my cv, diploma's and a smiley, hopeful picture, I decided to take a nap. When I woke up, it was tomorrow, eight pm. I only know this because I checked my iPod. My cell phone/alarm clock, I left on the kitchen table in the studio. Oops.

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