What I'm trying to say is, it got late last night. Very late. I stumbled to bed at some point, played Pokémon on the Nintendo for a bit more and then fell asleep like I was on something. We woke up around noon. And I wanted to DO STUFF today, dammit. Because tomorrow, all of Germany is closed. By the time we made it out of the house, it was four o'clock and lots of stores were closed.
Kaufhof wasn't, so I proposed we go look at the kitchen supplies. I promptly got distracted by comfortable looking pajama pants and then by the toys section. I'm a firm believer in the we-grow-old-because-we-stop-playing philosophy. They had My Little Pony blindbags for a steal, so we each got one. Mine is sparkly, Boyfriend's is metallic pink. My man is very secure in his masculinity.
Eventually, we made it to the kitchen department, where I found the knife I was looking for earlier this week for fifty cents. We'd already bought a knife set that didn't quite do what I wanted for two euros and some change at IKEA. I'm seriously considering sneaking out next week and splurging on that fifty cent knife. They also had the nifty ceramic knives like the one we borrowed from Boyfriend's mom, but they didn't come with a handy-dandy protective sheath, which lowered their attractiveness by a lot. Yes, I like the pretty colors and the knives are really good, but they're hard to use if you cut yourself each time you reach for them.
We got out at some point and wandered further along the streets. We somehow ended up in C&A. And it's dirndl season. They had 'cheap' ones, starting at 99 euros. I proposed I try one on. Boyfriend thought it'd be a laugh, so off we went.
There was a very thorough color selection process--Boyfriend pointed at one and said 'that one', to be exact--and a bit of epic stupidity where I didn't find a zipper, so I just put on one size bigger. The result is the very attractive picture you see above. I only knew you tied it to the side, not which side meant what, so I tied it any old how. Wikipedia says I was advertising my romantic availability.
We didn't end up getting it. Partly because it's expensive and you can wear it about once a year, partly because I didn't like the colors and the way it made me look 50 percent wider than I'd like to think I am. We did take the picture and send it to Boyfriend's mom, though. She's sick, so we thought it'd cheer her up. It did.
So, what do you guys think? The dirndls stay in the store for another few weeks. Should I go get one in a different color scheme and wear it to every semi-formal event?
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