Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Reading

(I just noticed I've posted six posts every day for the last two days. Eek!

On an equally random note: I picked up a takeaway menu today where the German beer type 'pils' is misspelled 'pilz'. Which means they deliver half litres of either mushrooms or fungus. Or that the menu was written by someone not entirely proficient in German, since they have a little blurb stating that all food is made with only the freshest of additives, and German menus don't allow that kind of sarcasm, not even in the fast food industry.)

I love to read. I've been re-reading books I've taken with me over the past few weeks, I've torn through the Hunger Games in about three days, and my Christmas wishlist is going to consist of something along the lines of yarn store gift certificates, hopeful hints about jewelry I like to Boyfriend and a posting of my wishlist with a tiny note that, while charges shipping to Germany, Book Depository and do not.

But enough about me. Let's talk about Boyfriend.

See, Boyfriend's interested in reading. It's just that he gets distracted, easily. Some people say he has ADD. If he does, he has a very mild case of it in my opinion. But since he had the reaction of people lacking AD(H)D brain chemistry to medication for it, I'm skeptical. It got him out of military duty, because Germany is kind of nervous as to who it learns to handle weaponry and potentially put in war zones. You do not need someone to go 'Receiving enemy fir--Oh my GOD, that missile's dust cloud looks like a Transformer! I swear, dude, it's like a 3D movie in the sky!' in a foxhole.

But, like I said, easily distracted. He want to read Dracula, and I recommend he does. It's a fascinating read. We also have Fight Club, should he want to start short, and Emma by Jane Austen if he wants a total and utter mindfuck with a feminine twist. He's fascinated by it all.

I've been watching the BBC series Merlin for the last few weeks, and have a smattering of knowledge about Arthurian legend. So when I go like 'Gawain's a total horn dog' and Boyfriend argues that he's not even looking at Guinevere's bosoms when he flirts with her, I pull out my Longman Anthology of British Literature, volume A, found 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' and told him that the book had medieval porn in there. With violence and crossdressing and magic and everything.

That interested him, too. When I told him what an anthology of literature was, and that we had four of them (Well, two volumes of the Longman and two Nortons), his mind was blown. Interesting bits from books and literary works, short stories, from different times, perspectives, all in one handydandy volume? Awesome. (I receive regular confirmation that choosing Boyfriend was very much the right thing to do with my life.) He turned very careful when I told him how much the Longman was worth and how hard it was to get a hold of, but he still wants to read Sir Gawain.

And lately he's wanted to read. So he was directed to Amazons of all nationalities and a few key titles, most of which had the 'look inside' function. For those of you not into literature, it's the reading equivalent of crack. You read, get into it, get to page eight, and the preview stops mid-sentence. His Christmas list has since gained several titles that aren't in any way related to the current number one on top one hundred of video games (At the moment, it's Landswirtschafts-Simulator 2013).

But, like crack, you do not want to wait for your fix. So like an addict newly born, he ordered some books. One was a comic, because he likes comics and there's nothing wrong with doing so. The other was the true tale of a man doing nine thirty-day experiments and what he learned from them, which happened to be part of a four-book series that are loosely related to one another. I want ALL four. Boyfriend was interested in just that one.

The only problem is that I nabbed the book the day it arrived as Boyfriend was napping, spent the entire afternoon reading it, finished it, and now have to wait until he reads it and try to to give away any spoilers, despite the fact that my laughing at the last chapter was probably heard by anyone without a hearing aid in the building.

I might be in trouble.

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